How to make sparks without matches or a lighter If you camp a lot there is a good trick for making sparks without matches or a lighter. The biggest key to making a fire is to be able to do it when stu ...

To make your very own Spartan Spear, like in the movie 300, you just have to follow a few short, easy instructions. Start off by taking a broom stick, and cutting off the end. Make sure your broom sti ...

Making a wooden spear requires a between medium and small thick stick, a rectangular piece of board, a hatchet and a wood clipper. The branches off the stick is removed and thrown away. The stick is c ...

This video demonstrates how to make a fire without any matches using the Swedish Firesteel magnesium fire starter. You need to have some good tinder, such as dryer lint or a cotton ball. To make it bu ...

Two cans are shown to demonstrate how they can be used to boil water. The first can has a hole cut out of the bottom and one for the top. The second can is cut at the top like a cup and the bottom lef ...

This video demonstrates how to build a fire with a bow drill. Your bow should be slightly curved. It should be the length of your arm. It can be fashioned from a tree limb and rawhide cord. You can us ...

This video illustrate us how to prepare snares. Here are the following steps:Step 1:Take a wooden block and drill a hole in the corner of the block.Step 2: Now take a metallic wire and make a loop out ...

John Campbell shows you how to make an all natural bowl with spout using hot coals to burn the desired shape into a block of wood. First you'll need to make a straw from a cattail stock by burning thr ...

How to make your own water proof matches Making your own waterproof matches is really pretty easy. To do it you will need a few items. You will need a box of wooden strike matches. You will also need ...