Check out this how-to video to start a fire using an AA battery and a staple. You can do this while listening to the classical guitar piece, "Malaguena" if you feel like it. It could save your life! W ...

Watch this how-to video showing how to build a log cabin fire, which is an easy to build and easy to light fire that can be built using woods from any environment (especially an environment where you ...

Remind yourself how to make an ultralight wick back packing stove with tips from this how-to video. Or, just plain teach yourself how to do it, depending on what level you are at in making ultralight ...

Learn this useful survival trick that could one day save your life! Survive by using this soda can and chocolate trick. Basically, you will create a fire with a leaf. Get tips from this how-to video ...

Check out this video to learn how to gather basket making materials with tips from a how to tutorial. This is for weaving baskets with willow. ...

Check out this how to tutorial to learn how to make cordage from plant fibers. Don't forget that the plant, dogvane, is ideal cordage material. ...

Check out this video to learn how to use flintknapping to make flaked stone tools. Find an angle that is less than an ninety degree angle to strike the stone. ...

Check out this video to learn how to do flintknapping with flaked stone tools (The stones look like obsidian.) ...

Make a small stove to burn wood chips using the wood gas method. Get tips from this how to tutorial. ...